
The markers in the city scape are mapped out by Coalition de la Petite-Bourgogne in this resource map seen below, offering the inhabitants and visitors a visual layout of the neighbourhood's popular community organizations and spaces.

In a workshop with Youth in Motion, these landmarks, also illustrated in the zoning map, were explored with the young community and community stakeholders. A series of questions under the theme Racontes-nous ton quartier, or Tell us your about neighborhood, worked to expose whether the services offered were known and in use by residents. Additionally, the questions offered an opportunity for community members and youth to share which places they frequent verses which places they avoid. 

First: Coalition de la Petite-Bourgogne
Second: Annoted by participants of the workshop Racontes-nous ton quartier | Tell us about your neighbourhood.

Only some of the fifteen teenagers who were interviewed during the Youth in Motion workshop lived in Little Burgundy. Many of the activity they participated in were concentrated around Oscar Peterson Park, or as they call it “Parc Cambell.” The youth of Little Burgundy is physically active, often play basketball in the park or at the Little Burgundy Sport Centre. 

Oscar-Peterson Park & 
The youth’s favorite activities

Oscar-Peterson Park - Le Sud-Ouest

From the testimonials of a volunteer at Youth in Motion, it is clear that the community is passionate about creating music, which is accessible at Youth in Motion‘s recording studio, a highly utilized resource within the community. Many also enjoy cycling in the summer via BIXI. One interviewee explains the they prefer the trip while biking as “there is nothing to do” or because they feel “invaded by hipsters” near the Lachine Canal. It is clear that there is a need for greater youth support that engages individuals in meaningful and educational activity.

The adults present at the workshop were aware of the services offered in the community and mentioned landmarks illustrated in the resource map. Many of the adults that were interviewed are particularly involved and present throughout Little Burgundy, including organizations such as: Tyndale St-Georges, Union United Church, CEDA, and several other facilities located at the Yolande-Breton Community Centre.

In order: Youth in Motion. Centre Sportif de la Petite-Bourgogne. Centre Communautaire Yolande-Breton. Tyndale St-Georges Community Centre. Union United Church. CEDA.

These neighbourhood pillars are notable recipients of other organizations sharing the same roof, emerging partnerships and a community spirit. Overall, many organizations retrofit in housing typology, which can be appropriate in some instances, while others inhabit spaces that were created for the vocations they still pursue today.